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- Oceano Club
Do your children bombard you with questions about the sea? Sign them up for the Oceano Club (formerly known as the Snapper Club) to offer them a trip to the Temple of the Sea. Offered during the school holidays (except Christmas), this discovery course invites your children to participate in multiple games and activities centred on the oceans and the animals that inhabit them: the ideal opportunity to awaken their curiosity, reinforce their thirst for discovery and give rise to future passions and vocations.
Attention: the number of places is limited!

In the skin of an aquarist
To encourage a playful approach, observation and manipulation are favoured.
Like apprentice scientists, your children will pick up microscopic animals from the pools, feed the turtles on the panoramic terrace, discover the magic of the coral reefs or dive into their imagination to write a tale about the Ocean…
Practical information
Registration is now open!
- Monday 13 to Friday 17 February 2023 (5 days)
- Monday 20 to Friday 24 February 2023 (5 days)
From 9am to 5pm
5 days from Monday to Friday
Rate 5 days : 375€ / child
Payment on registration
Lunch and afternoon snack included
Cancellation possible up to 1 week before the start of the course3

Let's experience the ocean while having fun
In the magical setting of the Oceanographic Museum
In a place full of history, your child will have the privilege of visiting the backstage aquariums, the land turtle enclosure and even the reserve where the nursery and the animal hospital are located.

Surrounded by a caring team
Each child has their own explorer’s desk with all the materials they will need throughout the week.
With fun and creative activities
Between the preparation of the animals’ food, their feeding, a treasure hunt, sensory experiences… Every day has its share of emotions!

For memories to last a lifetime
The Oceano Club is also about sharing and meeting other young enthusiasts, future ambassadors of the Ocean.
Useful information on Covid-19
Sanitary measures are put in place to ensure the smooth running of the event:
- Posters will allow children to automate the barrier gestures. On their arrival, a time will be devoted to explaining these measures.
- The group of children does not have any joint activity with another group.
- When moving around the Museum and the aquariums, a distance of 1.5 metres will be maintained between the visitors and the group of children.
- Each child must wear a mask. If you forget, you can buy them on the spot.
- The facilitator will also wear one.
- All children are encouraged to wash their hands regularly before and after each activity.
- Dispensers of hydroalcoholic gel are available.
The reception and the departure of the children will be done only on the square of the administrative entrance.
Your child’s temperature must be checked by you before leaving for the Museum: if it is equal to or higher than 38.0°C, the child cannot be accepted. If you forget, the temperature of the children can be taken on arrival.
- In a regularly ventilated activity room, the Activities Department provides each child with a personal space with his or her own kit (borrowed by the Museum) and all the materials he or she will need throughout the week.
- In order to limit contact with Museum visitors, all meals (snacks, lunch, snacks) prepared by the restaurant La Terrasse, will take place in the activity room.
All contact points, as well as the teaching material used, are meticulously disinfected twice a day.
Tried and tested
I really enjoyed feeding the sharks, and it was also great to interview explorers. The animators were also very nice. I hope I can come back one day.
Oh yes, it was very good! Seeing the sharks, the fish, the turtles, feeding them... I really liked everything about this course!